The Good Grief Trust supports all UK bereavement services. Each year they drive a National Grief Awareness week, with this year’s being held between the 2nd- 8th December. The 2020 campaign message is #shareyourstory. This campaign will attempt to break the taboo surrounding grief and bereavement and hopefully allow people to get talking about their feelings, as well as ensuring that those bereaved have early access to support when it’s most needed.


The Good Grief Trust exists to help those suffering with grief in the UK receive the support they need in order to move forward with their lives. The Good Grief Trust website can point you in the direction of the service most suitable for you.


We believe their message for 2020 could play an important part in helping you to move forwards. Telling your bereavement story and expressing your feelings allows you to acknowledge the person you have loved and lost and helps you start to process your grief. Telling your grief story can help others understand the impact of grief and enable discussions about your bereavement and general wellbeing, as many people struggle to know what to say to someone bereaved. Your story can also help others who are bereaved feel like they are not alone, giving them hope and allowing them to open up about their loss.


As well as telling your grief story, telling the life story of your loved one ensures they are remembered, giving you time to spend looking through memories and allow you to start processing your grief.


Our Life Treasury books allow you to do all of this by creating your memory book, as well as keep the ashes (and or special items to remember your loved one by) together in a beautiful, personalised book.

Olivia Wiles