Lockdown 2.0 – Maintaining Perspective

While some may be mourning the cancellation of their long weekend away, or the fact they have to queue outside the supermarket on a bleak November morning, someone close by could be receiving news that their loved one has passed away from Covid-19, and they haven’t had the chance to say goodbye. That person may have caught Covid-19 in a shop or from a family member who caught it at the gym before lockdown.


It’s important to maintain perspective and remember why we are in “lockdown” again. Every death statistic on the news is someone’s father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, daughter, son, aunt, uncle or friend. For every statistic is an entire family unit grieving, organising a funeral they may not have been expecting to have to pay for, sorting through a lifetime of treasured possessions, just wishing it was all a terrible nightmare.

So, whilst it’s lonely and financially difficult for many, we must think about those families. In order for less families to experience the excruciating pain of becoming one of the UK’s Covid statistics by losing a loved one, let’s all try and be careful. There is only (hopefully) a couple of weeks left to endure.

Olivia Wiles