What should I wear to a funeral?

It’s common knowledge that black is most often worn at funerals, however, in many cases, you may only be required to wear smart clothing in dark colours, perhaps a navy or grey. Occasionally families may ask you to wear a splash of colour or perhaps something that is a nod towards the person who has passed (for example, someone had a particular colour they loved or a particularly vibrant personality). It is also important to observe different cultures and their approach to funerals, it may be prudent to double-check these before you attend if the religion of the person who has passed away is different to your own.


Typical funeral dress code

A dark coloured suit or dress/skirt/trousers, shirt or blouse, formal jacket or coat and black or dark smart shoes are appropriate for most funerals. If you are unsure about wearing a tie, our advice would be to wear one (with top button fastened), you can always take it off if no one else is wearing a tie.


For women, clothing must be respectable, with skirts below or at least to the knee and appropriate necklines. For men, dark suits and buttoned (long sleeve) shirts are the most suitable to wear. If you are unsure of the specific requirements of the funeral you are attending, then it is certainly better to overdress than underdress.


Items to avoid

Jeans, short sleeve shirts, t-shirts, sports clothing or trainers, flip-flops, revealing or suggestive clothing of any type, overly bright ties or scarves (unless specified to wear a hint of colour), excessive amounts of jewellery.



It seems obvious to point out, but for fear of not being clear, there are a few do’s and don’ts such as: do wear clean/ polished, smart shoes that fit and are comfortable should you need to walk a distance or stand throughout the ceremony. Don’t wear athletic shoes/ sneakers or scruffy looking shoes. Dark toned smart shoes that coordinate with your outfit work best. Consider the weather, especially if you are attending a graveside funeral, some shoes might not be appropriate for walking on wet grass. Excessively high heels are rarely appropriate for this occasion.



A funeral is where we go to pay our respects and say goodbye to someone we cared for, so it is worth being respectful and turning up looking the part, with clean and tidy hair and nails (including scruffy nail polish – none is better than 2-week old chipped nail varnish) and ironed clean clothes.



We suggest keeping jewellery to a minimum, wearing traditional and respectful pieces as so not to draw attention to oneself or make a noise if it clanks together. A small bag if necessary, in a colour appropriate for the occasion.



The guidelines aren’t too different for children, formal clean clothing in dark or muted colours unless specified otherwise by those organising the funeral.


Last Note

If the dress code is not stated on the funeral notice or invitation and it is not appropriate to ask beforehand, it is always better to dress on the smarter side. A rule of thumb when considering which items to wear, just ask yourself – is it respectful?

Olivia Wiles